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It's time to cut cords

(Listen closely and you'll hear Elsa singing, "Let it go, let it go...")

Ok, really the last thing you want to hear is ME singing the theme to Frozen. But I know you're humming it in your head now... (cuz I am, too, darn it).

But if that's what it takes to remind us that January (a "frozen" month for many of us) is the perfect time to let stuff go, then I'm ok with having that song on repeat.

We all start life attached by a cord. And we go through life sending out and accepting cords (or attachments) to people, situations, locations, things. Some of these are thin, whispery cords that are as gentle as a long-forgotten memory. But SOME of them can quite literally drain us of our energy, vitality, happiness.

I believe that as inhabitants of this planet, we are connected in some way to every other being that co-resides with us. We exchange oxygen with the plant world, right? That's a "give and receive" situation. Therefore, it makes sense to me that every interaction we have creates a cord of connection. But that does NOT mean that we need to maintain those cords. If we did, I imagine we might energetically look like we were caught in the middle of a spider web.

Examples of connections we do NOT want to hold onto might include:

the person who cut us off in traffic

the grouchy cashier at the grocery store

the less than hoped-for grade on a test

the place we argued with a loved one

the argument itself

Basically, a cord that needs to be cut is something that is holding us back from pure joy. It's annoying. Doesn't feel good. Needs to GO!

But how?

I have two methods I like to use, but I'm sure there are LOTS more out there. Here's one:

Imagine that every person, place, situation, feeling that you want to let go of is a balloon (each one is a SEPARATE balloon). You are holding the string of that balloon in your hand. Now, imagine that you are snipping the string (cord) -- separating it from you. Watch as the balloon floats away, releasing you from the attachment. Take the next balloon and SNIP. Continue snipping until you can't think of any more balloons to release! I like to do this as I'm waiting to fall asleep. I'll run through my day and create balloons. Snip. Snip. Snip. It's better than counting sheep!

The next method is to ask for the help of St. Michael, the Archangel:

St. Michael is a fierce protector and ready to help if we call. I sometimes ask for him to use his powerful sword of light to release my connection (cord) to a specific situation or person. But more often, I'll send out a quick prayer like this:

Archangel Michael, please cut all cords to people, places, situations that are not in my highest good. I ask that they be cut through all space and time. Thank you. Amen.

Super easy.

So here we are at the start of a new month and a new year. Let's start out fresh and cut those connections that no longer serve us. That no longer make us happy. Let's feel lighter and more empowered! Unencumbered by the old year.

Snip. Snip. Snip.




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