Have you heard that some plants are
"more magical" than others?
Are you thinking that your magic isn't powerful because you don't have the "perfect" plant.
Here’s the thing… In Nature, ALL plants are magical.
Every plant on earth offers its own unique energy and symbolism.

Plants are guides and allies…
The herbal magic world is filled with books and classes and experts.
So much information can be just plain confusing. Like, who and what to believe?
I'm going to make it simple for you... ALWAYS run a plant’s *meaning* through your own filter.
How does a plant FEEL to YOU?
Let's say you've read or heard that mint *should* be used for protection. But you hate mint…
So, how’s that "protection" gonna work for you? Probably not so great.
Instead, I want to guide you through your garden (or herb jars) so you can start to FEEL the energy of the plants you're working with.
I want to teach you the skills to determine for yourself how to use each one in a spiritual, energetic, or magical way.
“Keep rosemary by your garden gate.
Plant roses and lavender, for luck.
Fall in love whenever you can.”
~ Alice Hoffman (Practical Magic)

I’m here to inspire you to meet your garden (or plants) in a new way… As you would a friend.
Let me ask you…
Do you work with plants?
Are you the person people come to for love or hugs or advice?
Is helping others to level up their lives your jam?
Then plant magic is for you!
Plants are in my blood and in my soul
Some of the plants in my garden are nearly 100 years old — handed down through my female lineage.
It’s a big responsibility. Not only am I the current caregiver, but I’m nurturing them for our next generation.
Each plant -- new or heritage -- is so special to me.
I know where every plant tucks in during its winter sleep.
And I speak tender words to the sprouts and the buds and the blooms.
Can you tell I love them?
Their season may be brief, but their spirit doesn’t fade.
My garden is pure magic.
Now, let’s make sure you’re in the right place
If you think "plant magic" is:
Keeping your one houseplant alive for more than 3 weeks…This is NOT for you.
That plants don’t have their own energy…This is NOT for you.
Just woo woo BS…This is NOT for you.
Mandrakes (or mandragora), whose roots are ugly babies that scream when taken out of the soil…This is NOT for you.
However, if you think plant magic is:
Unique in its use of living things…This IS for you.
A powerful connection to life…This IS for you.
That ancestors relied on local plants for medicine and magic…This IS for you
All plants are magical…This IS for you.
And if you believe:
When it comes to magic, plants with spikes can be useful in defensive or protective magic.
Plants whose seeds can travel far, such as dandelion, can be used to protect travel.
And a plant's abilities in pharmacy can transpose it to other purposes.
This course is DEFINITELY for you!
The Universe let me know it’s time to bring this course to you.
Introduction to Plant Magic
Starting May 14, 2024, and running for 6 weeks,
this course will introduce you to all the wonders of plant magic!

In this magical 6-week course...
You’ll learn about the various aspects of natural magic and how to use plants to strengthen your connection with the natural world.
We’ll be looking at…
the directions
the elements
the archangels
the seasons and
the phases of the moon.
All through the filter of our course plant allies.
At the end of this course, you can gather everything you’ve learned into your beautiful ritual to honor the Spring Equinox.

Here’s what you need to know
We’ll meet on Zoom for an hour once a week (on Tuesday evening.)
Can’t make the class?
Don’t worry I have you covered. Each class will be recorded and you can watch at the best time for you.
You’ll receive your 4 plant allies (in the mail) before the course begins.
And like any course…you’ll get “homework” (really fun homework) that will help you integrate the skills of each module into your own practice.

“I love the
detail and the
amount and degree of
information. I'm trying to
create my own
'Enchanted Garden' and hope to make the tips here a reality ...
as I plot out and plant to
make my backyard
"It's very clear that
Deb put her heart and
soul into this treasure. It is full
of history and folklore. It is quite thorough with each herb or flower and its connection to the universe. I could not recommend this more. It is as if she wrote a love letter to the plant world
and gifted or shared it with us. Thank you, Deb!!"
~ Barbara W.
~ Tami K.
This is what I have for you inside each module:
I guarantee that you will learn about plant allies and how their magic fits in with everyday life. That you will learn something new. That we’ll have fun together. And that your love for plants will grow even more.
There are no refunds for this class once it starts on February 13, 2024. That’s why I want to make sure this is the right fit for you. I’m happy to chat with you if you are still not sure. Send me an email at hello@enchanted-botanicals.com