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Work With Me

"Everyone we meet is for a reason. We all learn from each other, grow from each other, and inspire each other."

Energy Medicine:  A safe, gentle, non-invasive way to encourage your body’s relaxation response to kick in and “jump start” your own healing process. Reiki-based, but incorporating so much more.
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Earth Alchemy™:  A system I developed to clear and balance the energies occurring naturally within the earth with the people, animals, and plants living above them.
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1:1 Spiritual Coaching:  A personalized and holistic approach to helping you connect with your soul's mission, deepen your intuition, and discover your spiritual path.
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The courses will be ready to download when you are. Work through at your own pace, at home, in your jammies...
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Plant Magic Foundational Course
In this 6-session course you'll learn about the various aspects of natural magic (such as the seasons, moon cycle, directions, and elements), and how to use plants to strengthen your connection to the natural world. At the end of this course, you'll gather everything you've learned into your own beautiful ritual to honor the changing seasons.
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Natural Magic: A Course in Enchantment
Ready to tap into the everyday magic that surrounds you? Then this is the course for you! Learn to recognize magic in its many subtle forms. And discover how you can easily change and shift the energy around you to support your most beautiful and high-vibe life.
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Modern Floriography
Our ancestors used herbs and flowers as medicine. The Victorians used them to send "secret" messages in an age where open emotion wasn't encouraged. Plants have always been magic. In this course, you'll dive into the signs and symbology of 28+ plants and how you can learn to hear their secret whispers.
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