Energy Medicine
“Energy Medicine” is a safe, gentle, non-invasive way to encourage your body’s relaxation response to kick in and thereby “jump start” your own healing process.
So what is energy medicine and why do I practice?
Think about this…Our bodies are made of energy.
Every cell, every fiber, every breath we take requires and projects energy. I believe that all energy emanates from Source (God, the Universe, the Divine).
While not affiliated with religion, energy therapy is by definition a highly spiritual practice. By connecting to Spirit, we can direct divine energy in a conscious way to achieve healing on a physical, emotional, mental, and/or spiritual level.
As an Energy Master-Teacher, I have studied and practiced this modality for years. I have seen amazing and marvelous changes in both myself and my clients -- human and animal!
And even more lovely…we can work “long distance.” Because, energy has no boundaries or limits.
When our energy is flowing within our bodies in a strong, smooth fashion, we feel like we can handle anything.
Our energy field (sometimes called an aura) surrounds our body and contains an imprint of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual condition. A clear, smooth aura can be key in helping us feel balanced and healthy.
And let’s talk about rocks and stones – commonly known as crystals. More than just beautiful to look at, these treasures are powerful cleansers and activators of our energy centers.
In my healing practice, I combine Reiki, chakra balancing, auric cleansing, crystal therapy, and intuitive guidance from your spiritual team and mine. It’s a powerful combination … and one I’m passionate about. I'd love to work with you and guide you on the journey.