Earth Alchemy
Earth Alchemy™ is a system I developed to balance the energies occurring naturally within the earth with the people, animals, and plants living above them.
Historically, the practice of “geomancy” involved the interpretation of signs and symbols from Nature to predict future events.
Traditional geomancers would cast a handful of dirt, shells, stones or petals and make a prediction based on the patterns of dots and lines drawn in the earth.
“Modern geomancy” has evolved into an art and science that seeks to discover hidden knowledge from the Earth… but for the purpose of creating a loving, responsible, and healing relationship with our planet.
My system, Earth Alchemy™ is a way of determining and understanding the delicate balance between the Earth and those who live upon it.
Energy lines (sometimes called ley lines in the U.S.) circle the Earth. Think of them as a net, or electrical grid, covering our planet.
​Depending on our personal energy signature, living on these lines may not always be comfortable. And sometimes they can create significant health and / or emotional challenges.
With this service, I use a map of your land (thank you, Mr. Google) and determine where the energy lines flow through, and perhaps cross, on the property. I also mark deep water lines and earth chakras (vortexes). My system works for large plots, townhomes, and apartments -- anywhere that people call home.
Once we schedule your analysis and clearing, I'll email you a detailed questionnaire for you to fill out and return.
I then determine whether each line or chakra is detrimental, neutral or beneficial for EVERY member of the household (pets included). I use a checklist of 50 factors that may be impacting the health and happiness of your family and home.
Finally, I clear and balance the lines and chakras, bringing them up at LEAST to neutral if not beneficial, for every member.
You'll receive a report with the map of your property, what issues were noted and cleared, and suggestions for moving forward.