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The bravest thing we will ever do.

Hi there, friend —

Why blend in when you can stand out?

Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to pretend to blend in? To nod along, keep the peace, and say everything is fine?

It’s like wearing those jeans that sorta fit but are secretly digging into your soul.

We do it because it feels safer. It’s what we know.

But imagine the magic of peeling off that too-tight identity and stepping into the perfectly-you sweatpants of life.

The ones that fit like they were made for you. Because they were.

It’s not always easy to be yourself.

It takes guts to choose the giggle-snort laugh over the polite chuckle.

Or to admit you’re obsessed with collecting tiny, ceramic frogs (no judgment, seriously).  

But every time you do, you get closer to you.

Is it a dream you’ve been tucking away? A conversation you’ve been avoiding? A change you know deep down it’s time to make?

You’re worth more than you think.

This is something to think about and focus on as we move into the new year.

The world doesn’t need the watered-down, copy-paste version of you.

It needs the wonderfully weird, achingly real, one-of-a-kind MASTERPIECE that is you.

Take a deep breath. Be brave. Wear the sweatpants.

Ready to be YOU? I’m here to cheer you on.

HINT: Most of us don’t become who we really are until long AFTER we think we already have. (Read that again…). 💛



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